
6218 Georgia Avenue NW Ste 1, Washington, DC 20011-5125
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6218 Georgia Avenue NW, Ste 1 Washington, DC 20011-5125

Educational Opportunities

Loves Gardens teaches courses through the University of the District of Columbia in March, May, and September. Our 5-week course is titled Biointensive Agriculture 101.


Loves GardensExpertise in Agricultural Education

Loves Gardens provides expertise in agricultural education development for communities interested in building community gardens.

We also work with K – 12 educators on creating curriculum for learners’ students to be immersed in experience-based learning with agriculture as the foundation. We consult at the university level to inform faculty and administrators of the opportunities to enhance their programs to meet the needs of their students in educational experience that develop practitioners, researchers, and subject matter experts. Loves Gardens is conducting needs assessments for nations interested in job creation through opportunities in agricultural development.