
6218 Georgia Avenue NW Ste 1, Washington, DC 20011-5125
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6218 Georgia Avenue NW, Ste 1 Washington, DC 20011-5125

Summer Share


SKU: 099

Our current summer share is zucchini, squash, potatoes, swiss chard, sweet green peppers, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers.  Each week you can order your share of the harvest. Our vegetables, herbs, and fruits weigh between 5 and 10 lbs. The share costs $35. This season you will get 4 to 5 zucchini, 2 – 4 yellow squash, 3 – 4 potatoes, 2 – 4 green peppers, a bunch of swiss chard, 1 – 2 lbs of cherry tomatoes and  2 – 4 cucumbers.  We will be adding basil, okra, hot peppers and melons to the share later this season.  Please make sure you order by Thursday for a weekend delivery. After purchase, we will email delivery and pickup instructions.


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